Saturday, 31 May 2014

Big Warehouse Spares - WARNING - Be careful dealing with this mob        


*** FURTHER UPDATE 18/02/2021 ***


Naturally, no phone number listed, and different website address to reflect the change of name, no doubt due to the bad reputation that Big Warehouse Spares has achieved for itself.

NOTE: There is a website very similar to Coffee Parts Warehouse, called "Coffee Machine Parts", as far as I know, Coffee Machine Parts has nothing to do with Coffee Parts Warehouse and are quite legitimate.

Phone: 02 8213 2448
Contact: Angela (may no longer be valid)

The above website link will direct you to the website of Big Warehouse Spares. A company located um, somewhere, in New South Wales. Conveniently (for them), their website has no address or phone number listed. You can only contact them by email or fax.This for a start should set some alarm bells ringing.

They do state on their website, that they prefer to deal via email due to the high number of inquiries they process. OK, this sounds fair, but surely, it takes just as much time to read an email, find the information out, then physically write the return email? I seriously doubt they would process inquiries any faster by email, than by telephone. My bet is they simply don't want to advertise their phone number.

In addition, their website shows 30,000 'positive' reviews and a sample listing of some of those reviews, we all know reviews can be faked to give people a false sense of security, but lets take them as bona fide reviews for the time being.

My bet is that most people who plan to purchase a spare part for their electrical item have already researched the item on Big Warehouse Spares comprehensive spare parts listing and know exactly what item they want. This is what I did, and in my case, it was a replacement motor for my air conditioner.

To order was easy, click the "Buy It" button and enter those good old credit card details and I jumped up and down knowing I was going to receive my motor in a few days.....    .....     ......    well, that didn't happen. Silence from Big Warehouse Spares until I sent an email asking what the delay was. Their return email - which was quite fast, to their credit - advised the motor would be dispatched that afternoon. The next day I received an email from them saying the motor wasn't available any longer as a spare part, but I could purchase the motor complete with fan assembly instead, naturally at a greater price. I wasn't surprised at this as the manufacturer of my air conditioner went broke some years ago. But why advise me it was being dispatched that afternoon, when it was plain they had no stock?

I hummed and ha'd for a while over this and was a bit annoyed that they had taken my money real fast and the item wasn't actually in stock or even available. Surely they could implement a system whereby they only debit your credit card when the item is physically dispatched? I decided to cancel my order, by email!!, and asked them for a refund. A few days later the refund hadn't arrived, and I sent another email and was advised by an Angela is that she would look into it, still nothing happened and I started to do some internet searches for Big Warehouse Spares and found I wasn't alone in my treatment. The below links contain mostly bad stories of treatment by Big Warehouse Spares. There are a few scattered good reviews, but mostly it's "don't deal with them". I was lucky enough to stumble upon a person who'd posted their phone number and an actual email address. That number is 02 8213 2448 and the email is In the end, I phoned them and demanded they process my refund straight away. I gave them my "order number" and bang, it was done. Angela advised me that clerk who normally processes credits only does them on Mondays?? and she was away sick last Monday, hence the delay. I'm curious as to why only one person processes credits? and only on one day of the week? Not good enough in my book for customer service, especially when the company has no advertised address and no contact phone number. It makes you feel a little uneasy.

Check out the links below:

Actual review headers on some of the above websites:



Worst customer service ever. Don't waste your time!

Bad customer service - would not recommend!

So far my reveiw is a big fat 0


My strong suggestion to anyone planning to purchase from Big Warehouse Spares is to email them first as to whether they have the spare part PHYSICALLY in stock. In some of the reviews I've read, the poster states the Big Warehouse Spares website advises the part is easily available from the manufacturer and they constant purchase from that manufacturer, but then they end up waiting 4 or 6 weeks for the part - which they've already paid for!

My bet is that Big Warehouse Spares physically stock the most popular items from the most popular manufacturers, and the other 70% of spare parts are ordered in. BWS are not going to order in one light globe to suit a certain microwave from Sharp (for example), so I would expect the light globe would be added to a purchase order, and when they have enough of an order to place with Sharp, then it's placed. Of course, the BWS website doesn't tell you this, and what the resultant delay may be.

Anyway, you've been warned. Buyer beware!

Get Real


  1. Yes I have had the same bad experience. They scammed me too after 1 month of waiting for the delivery they only supplied a single part when two are required in the damper assembly replacement. They would not accept a return/refund or send the second unit. So I would have to spend double the amount to fix my washing machine. Ordered the second part else where in fast time better price and better customer service. I have lodged a complaint lodged with Consumer Affairs, which I would suggest everyone else do as well. Eventually they will get enough complaints that something will be done about it.

    1. It's terrible to use this guy ...listed on their website in stock .. but they never hold any stock . and then said it's not refundable. lucky, I use credit card, and it's auto charge back.

    2. Going through the same process at the moment, requested a chargeback from my bank. Dodgy and unprofessional. Sorry I found this page after I placed the order. just spoke with them again, waiting to hear back.

    3. I have been having issues too. No response to my emails. Even used their online "contact us" section. Tried the number above. Have recorded messages by Angela - not getting through at all.
      Plus a hefty delivery fee. Have just raised a dispute query with my bank.

    4. I contacted fair trading NSW already, file a dispute with my bank. I cancelled the order and waited. just received an email from Donna Warner that my part has now dispatch. I reply back and told them that I called the oredr already. They jumped quickly after 2 weeks because i send them a copy of Fair trading case email. Never ever again.

    5. I Also have had a terrible experience with them. I am awaiting a VCAT hearing very soon. I hope VCAT can make them refund me and refer then to the relevant authorities. The are in breach of many consumer laws.

  2. Same here for me - they said there would be a delay of 4-6 days then it became weeks and when I asked for a refund they said their terms were they had 60days to fill the order. Finally got a refund but yes I had to wait until Monday.

    The big thing for me is I got the parts direct form the manufacturer - 1 part cost less then $5- BWS price over $19- the other less then $10- BWS Price about $30- - So allowing form freight they get a pretty good mark up. I got what I wanted for $34- inc freight ( delivered overnight ) v's BWS price of $80-

  3. finding the same thing. Part was listed as in stock, then freight problems, now waiting on part and another two weeks before it arrives. I asked for refund and their policy is no refunds so I think I will contact consumer affairs. Can't ring them either.

    1. Same too,part was listed.... paid for item & paid for EXPRESS delivery also,then they say OUT OF STOCK.....$179.00

  4. contacted Angela today on above number and asked for refund and told it will be done Monday. Will see Monday .Phone number 02 82132448

  5. This says it all

  6. Have used big warehouse spares for washing machine parts on 2-3 occasions and had no issues with them at all. Guess you were the lemon??

  7. Part in store so ordered: Friday 15 August, 2014

    Donna's email 21 Aug, "your order will be delayed.. expect all the affected orders will be dispached in the next 4-6 days"

    My email 12 Oct, "please check the paper work and find out why it's gone AWOL?"

    October 31 11 weeks later:

    no part and no explanation.

    Don't use them.

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  10. Strongly suggest that you avoid this Big Warehouse rip off.. they don't read e-mails properly and send generic replies... even worse they are three times more expensive on the part that I ordered... compared to .They put a big freight charge on so I said cancel the order.. they ignored my email as they send another email 2 hours later saying the item had been dispoatched.

  11. Yes we have had the same issues. I paid for the part on the 14th of January. We had "excuse" emails from the company saying "due to issues outside their control our part was delayed". It was only when I said "I have 4 young children and we are in the middle of a heatwave" they moved on sending the part. One more wrong move (as in if it doesn't show up in 5 days ...) I will be opening a case with Fair Trading.

  12. It's terrible to use this guy ...listed on their website in stock .. but they never hold any stock . and then said it's not refundable. lucky, I use credit card, and it's auto charge back.

  13. Nicole Chapman1 March 2015 at 21:29

    Totally agree. Scam artists! Had my money for 2 weeks after i sent multiple emails following up the order and the response i kept receiving was "we are looking into it." Once i found this blog with the phone number i called and they said the supplier doesn't have the part in stock. SO who was going to call me and tell me that?? Or were they just going to keep my money and never send anything. NOT GOOD ENOUGH! DO NOT USE THEM!

  14. Lucky escape! I've been searching online for a new handle to suit my Electrolux vacuum cleaner and came across the BIG WAREHOUSE. They state they have the handle in stock ready to ship at $44. Seemed a bit cheap for a handle that has all the controls on it so I rang Electrolux. The handle is not sold separately and in fact comes with the hose as one part for around $250, big difference in the price. Electrolux stated they do not or have ever supplied the BIG WAREHOUSE with their spare parts even though the BW claim their parts to be genuine. Thankfully I didn't purchase the handle as the old adage still applies, if it's too good to be true.... you know the rest. Electrolux are now aware of the website and I'm certain that they will put a stop to them claiming to sell their genuine parts. PLEASE DO NOT PURCHASE ANY PARTS FROM THIS WEBSITE.

  15. Oh dear, I've had a similar situation. I ordered from BIG WAREHOUSE SALES on 3/3/15, and was advised it would be shipped in 4-6 days. It didn't arrive so I followed them up. After a few emails I was told there was a shipping issue. It arrived 4 weeks later. My service mechanic stopped answering my calls and we realised he had given me the name of the wrong part to buy. BWS are refusing to refund this part. It is unused, in original packaging, and useless to me. I am out of pocket $199. Angela - the manager - is refusing to respond to emails and phone messages.


  16. Customer (?) in Perth1 June 2015 at 20:13

    another sh!TE product, dont buy, wrong part, person on phone has no idea!!!!

  17. Thanks for the advise. After fighting with Expedia about being double charged the last thing i need is another fight with another company.

  18. I asked a retailer here in my state to buy through the Big Warehouse and then I could buy the parts off them. They said no thanks. What does that say?

  19. Yup, wish I had seen this earlier. They are a bunch of con people. When asked why they had taken my $ and not sent part, it was because they had to pay NEC ? Spoke to a BEN who just lied all the time. Asked to speak to a manager, ANGELA i got. Told me a complete different story. when questioned, SHE HUNG UP. They are crooks......

  20. Sharp R995E OVEN LAMP Part Number 1492282 Price $44.64 inc GST
    From BWS only $4.00 from Bunnings on 26/06/2015 A saving of $40 just on the bulb. Hate to think what I would have been charged had I left it in to a repairer

  21. Same crap service here. Placed and order 3 weeks ago, still don't have it and no communication. Just spoke to them on the phone and the excuse was that they do so many orders a day that they can't get to all of them or send emails. I was one that fell through the cracks according to them. Pathetic, rubbish service.

  22. Big time Fraud, time for legal action. I was sent the incorrect part/belt for my clothes dryer. Andrew said to use a screw driver to make it fit? Posted belt back with the old belt to show incorrect size. Requested a full refund and was advised that I would have to pay a restocking fee of $20.

  23. I had exactly the same experience and bad service. They were quick to take my money said the part was in stock then told me after a few weeks of waiting that it was a special order and no refund was available. I tell everyone to be aware and not use this service.

  24. Allan Ainsworth13 July 2015 at 18:14

    I have had no problem dealing with Big Warehouse Spares.
    And their website clearly advertises their address; BigWarehouse Pty Ltd
    C, 8 Ruddock St
    Corrimal NSW 2518

    1. People are complaining about the lack of phone number not the address Allan. Who is able to go and physically go the address? Dumb.

  25. They are no less than thieves, fail to deliver and keep the money. DO NOT WASTE YOUR MONEY

  26. thanks, I was looking to buy something from them so i'll avoid. Also, they seem to run - exact same price for a part and same range.

  27. Checked a part (Element for a stove) the other day and BWS was $203.54.
    Check on another site I use ( and the price was $29.70.
    The price says it all.

  28. I should have read this blog before buying a washing machine belt.
    Ordered it 8 Aug 2015 and still waiting. Same excuses (Freight issue) as given by other cheated customers. I'm going to file a complaint with

  29. This company sucks after buying a part off there diagram which was the wrong part x they would not refund or correct the diagram x nsw fairtrading were no better they telephoned the owners they told nsw fairtrading that is was I that ordered the wrong part lie lie lie x don't purchase anything from this company

  30. crap service, here is what I recieved after waiting nearly 2 weeks, original price was $83.00 ea

    Thank you for your order.

    Your parts been invoiced out from our supplier. unfortunately our supplier has just advised that there has been an increase on the parts that you have ordered.

    The new price is $124.41 each This does not occur very often, but when it does unfortunately it is out of our control.

    However if you would like to proceed at a increased rate, we can offer it to you at a discounted rate of $100.00 each

    Please let me know if you would still like to go ahead with the order.

    BigWarehouse Spares
    Order Number:
    Current Order Status: Pending Fulfillment


    Sarra C
    Customer Support Team

    1. I have just had the same email sent, did you pay the extra money..

  31. I am still waiting for my order. I will meet with 'current affair' on Monday with relevant emails and proof of order and then I will fry their goose!

  32. Hi just wondering if you have had any luck I just purchased a washing machine part of them and then I just found these reviews I paid for express postage but it is not dispatched yet I have tried to call but it says there busy and then it says to leave a message but the box is full

  33. I will never buy spare parts from BigWarehouse any more They said we have in stock but and was not true , they charge me another 25$ 15 days later , delivered in 22days . Doesn't answer at emails

  34. Shocking really really bad. I ordered three weeks ago told 3-7 days dispatch. Figured being x'mas be reasonable...I have sent two emails now with no reply. Wish I had read this and not false customer testimonials. I feel like such a loser.

    1. Jodie you are not loser, just another scam victim. By way of explanation, I ordered an oven element on 26 December and then ho-hum, the emails arrive every few days advising, 'your order will be delayed. This is due to a freight issue outside our control" or "We expect all the affected orders will be dispached in the next 4-6 days.I applogise for this unexpected delay" & "We are expecting your part to arrive any day now, apologies for the unexpected delay". I then sent them a screen shot of their web page showing the oven part as 'available". Today they responded with, 'Please be advised, if a part is listed as 'Available', it is in no way in stock with us and would have to be ordered in from our supplier accordingly'. Yep they are scammers. By the way, have any of the bloggers above had any success with complaint lodgement to their states consumer affairs?

  35. This comment has been removed by the author.

  36. Oh god. Why didn't I see this blog before I ordered. 5 months later I'm still waiting. They had 1 of the 2 items in stock but held onto it waiting for the second to arrive. I was getting fed up of waiting (it wasn't urgent so I elected to wait for the second), so demanded they either send the 1 and the other 1 later, or refund my money. They responded today after a strongly worded email from me, that they would still have to charge full postage for the one item (even though I wanted to combine postage for two). Ahhhhh! Only trouble is I couldn't find this part anywhere else and seemingly had no choice but to order from them. Wish I'd looked further afield. I should have contacted Bosch direct to see if they could help me. Might still do that if I can figure out how to contact them....

  37. This is a great website. I requested assistance to find a part, and their response was too vague - they just gave me a model number for the appliance and said parts were in stock, but the exploded view of the parts showed the whole machine and not just the part I needed. Won't be buying from them - I found a parts supplier in Dandenong with a real street address and a real person to answer the phone.

  38. I am currently going through what seems to be the "Standard" Big Warehouse treatment at the moment. I ordered parts for a washing machine that decided to break down two weeks before Christmas. I got the "Freight issue outside our control" email a week later. It was Christmas, so I was not too concerned. It was mid January when the part finally arrived, the wrong part! They said that no refund is possible as it was a "Special Order". I did not special order anything! They offered me the correct part at a discount price (slight discount). I told them that it is illegal to refuse a refund on a part that is not what was ordered, they just ignored that. I am now waiting on the correct part, I received the "freight issues" email for the second time just now. I got really suspicious. That is how I found this site. These people are bona fida CRIMINALS. Six weeks and waiting....

  39. Wish I had seen this site before I ordered a remote control. Paid $66, received it within a couple of days but it was the wrong one ....not what they were showing on their website. It has now been 6 days since I emailed them I am on a pension this is a lot of money for me to lose. I will take this matter further and hopefully the powers that be, might be able to close down these unscrupulous people.

  40. Yes I have had the same experience.Dishwasher leaked not long after Xmas,ordered 2 parts from them,could'nt pay by Paypal so put it on my credit card.received an email about an hour later to say parts in stock would be dispatched within 3 days.Then on 5.1.16 received an email from Donna Warner,customer support team that my order would be delayed as there was a freight issue outside their control.I thought ok public hol's and companies closed over xmas/new year that was ok,expect delivery 4-6 days it advised.So I cooled my heals,gave me time to get the floor fixed and the insurance mob to do what they had to.Having not heard anymore by 13.1.16 I sent another email,response came from Ashlee B this time and it said that one part had arrived and expected the other to arrive within 2 weeks and they'd send the 2 together.Another email on 1.2.16 has produced nothing so my partner started to do some digging and rang a local dealer to be given this website which we wished we'd seen before ordering.We had done some research but went with them because they were in NSW.We are currently putting our complaint to NSW Fair Trading-this lot should be closed down! ! !

  41. I recently purchased a Samsung tv remote from them. I took a screen shot of the model they were advertising on their site and their receipt does not state the model number. Today I received the order and the model is different from what I had ordered. I wish I had seen this before I made this foolish mistake. I am in Victoria. Where do I go to take legal action?

    1. Go to your bank if you paid by credit card because their insurance should cover it.Then Victorian small claims tribunal and consumer affairs in Victoria,google them for details and most have the facility to fill the forms out online now or that was my experience here in NSW.

  42. Bit scared reading this. But my Kleenaid part arrived in 3 days. I am relieved

  43. No way same thing just happen to me I am waiting for a part and still waiting said they had it in stock then it was delay in transport and now they havnt got it in stock , I should have read the reviews I am trying phone number above I rang at 430pm said I rang outside of working hours which is 8am to 5pm help me

  44. AHH!! Why didn't I read this before handing money to this mob! After two weeks waiting, still no part in sight. Yesterday I contacted another supplier and just got a call that the part is in and ready to collect. I will wait for my refund from BSW or a call to Dept Fair Trading. Thanks for the tips. and keep up the good work.

  45. Currently we are waiting for a part my hubby ordered 2 weeks ago. I think it was supposed to be dispatched immediately. After not receiving it, he emailed them and was told we owe more money - the cost of the part has gone up. Hubby emailed them back saying technically we own the part, we paid for it, and if the price has increased since we ordered and paid for it, then that isn't our fault. Just send the damn part. He said he'd contact consumer affairs but after researching it appears that this is common practice for this company. I wonder how many complaints consumer affairs have received over this company? Clearly it doesn't deter them.

  46. Same thing happend to me. Advertised a part that wasn't in stock and then asked for more money. 3 weeks later no part ill be trying to get a refund and making complaints with fair trading or other appropriate athuratise.

  47. ABSOLUTELY THE WORST !!!!!!!!!!!!!
    order nothing from these people

  48. email doesn't work - try

  49. I have ordered my washing machine door handle from Bigwarehouse before I read these negative reviews about the company. I must admit that I panic and I have thought of quickly cancelling my order. However, I believe that I should wait and experience it for myself. And opposite to what these reviews were saying about Bigwarehouse, they delivered my door handle within 2 days!!! I have no problem of ordering from this company again! By the way, my door handle fits perfectly, I even email them because I was worried about they're existence and they replied immediately!

  50. I ordered a Hoover 700 L timer and the parts listed on their site is not the part that fits the machine. NOW they willnot take it back and refund me the money. Donna and Jess are both the most unhelpful people, will never deal with them again.

  51. Disgusting firm. Con artists. Do not deal with them. I bought a part which they said on their website was available. Apparently now available does not mean in stock. It means it is available somewhere in the world and they will go and get it. Pardon me for thinking that if you tell me that something is available from your shop I am going to assume that you have it. Obviously not. It has been 4 weeks and they have not come up with the parts, refuse to tell me when I can expect it and are refusing to give me a refund. I have opened a dispute with the credit card company and will look at going to Fair Trading due to false claims on their website.

  52. This comment has been removed by the author.

  53. I ordered a part for my washing machine. On the website it said it was available. Payment was charged 2 days later. Waited a week and contacted them to see if it had been sent. They said they would chase up. Nearly 2 weeks down the track and they contact me and say that the part is now 4 times the price originally charged. Rude responses to email and appalling service. Do not trust this company!!!

  54. WOW!!! 30th May 2014 to 23rd June 2016 and they are still doing the same thing. I have just had to chase up my refund from them. I told them I'd go to the police otherwise. Fingers crossed it comes through. They are able to be contacted on 02 8213 2448

  55. 30000 positive from 54856 reviews. That's a bit more than 50%, not a very good track record in my books.

  56. yes be careful about dealing with them. they charge postage when the website says its free and you don't even get told what that is. they just charge you what they want and you only know when it appears on your card. also more expensive then other suppliers i found out and very poor customer service. also funny how they only have the glowing reviews on their website. wonder what the other 25,000 reviews are like if they have only have 30,000 positive out of 55,000+. that's a poor ratio

  57. We ordered a part for a Blanco oven a month ago. We were told that the part would be delayed by 4-6 days. I don't have a usable oven and they can not supply the part but refuse to refund. I will never deal with these people again.

  58. Big ware house are terrible they only allow positive Customer comments on their website. They haven't put my complaint up.They seem that they are misleading in every step of their process. Ordered water tank for fridge June 10th took nearly a month to arrive. Say on website available but that's not from them from the manufacturer. Once i ordered and found they were going to take a long time I tried to cancel. However they don't refund or if if they do they charge for refund. They don't give all the postage options so when you press unsure they can calculate and send via the most expensive couriers as possible. Then they swipe your credit card again. So our outcome was no water for nearly a month, unsuspectingly we drank unfiltered water and our household contracted a water borne bacteria. The shelf they sent was only one part of the shelf it was missing the other part. It cost over $56 plus postal insurance, plus a credit card surcharge, plus expensive postage compared to a local price of $20 per shelf with both parts intact. I complained and this is the way they handle customer service they sent an internal e-mail which I accidentally received but sums up their care factor.
    Hey, emailed you about this customer previously and you said to ignore, just thought I’d let you know they’ve sent another email in.

    Byron Lambert
    Customer Service
    They won't give out phone number but even if you do phone they won't do anything to help.
    Worst experience ever with them.I will never deal again. No care very little responsibility

  59. I have an update on a review I left on the 6th July 2016. After much hassle with these parasites I got a part refund of $79.55 which means I am still out of pocket $29.18. I wrote to them asking why since the part they claimed to have was not dispatched over a month ago they claim it is a cancellation fee. I would love to see them shut down. I am also very doubtful of all their positive feed back I suspect it is bogus. I am just wondering if a group of people got together and took them to VCAT would make a difference. Either Way STAY RIGHT AWAY FROM THIS COMPANY.

  60. Same problem here and still waiting 6 weeks later for our part. Although on their website stated INSTOCK. NEVER EVER purchase from these scammers. We paid shipping insurances aswell as courier fees and they sent it by Australia Post TODAY. 6 weeks later and no courier. ABSOLUTE JOKE DO NOT BUY FROM THEM.
    Does anyone know their address? My partner is going to burn their shop down! RIP OFFS!!

    1. Hi,
      Any luck with the retaliatory burn? I'm hoping you do it so I don't have to...

  61. I have an update check other suppliers these pirates charged $97+ph today the 21/7/2016 another guy supplied a genuine part for $50.00. Said it before STAY RIGHT AWAY FROM BIG WAREHOUSE SPARES. THEY ARE CROOKS.

  62. still waiting after 2 months for "fulfillment"

  63. Similar experience to other people except that they did reply to my emails. I ordered a Kambrook part listed as available and was to be dispatched next day. A week later when not dispatched I sent an email and they replied saying it would take an extra 4-6 days. Another eight days later they had no expected date of dispatch so I asked for a refund. Eventually I was told there would be a $20 cancellation fee out of original charge of $32.69. I refused this and raised a dispute with my credit card company and hopefully they can gain a refund. Thanks for collating this site. It's probably the only way they will be discredited.

  64. My story is all of your stories mixed into one, i researched them first and found nothing and then after the problem i find this site, grrr. I am too exhausted to go into detail but all is familiar to what you have all written. I have lodged an ACCC complaint and am compiling one for the Office of Fair trading. This needs to be stopped, oh and i have sent an email to ACA (A Current Affair) so hopefully this business will get more publicity than it will ever need. Please everyone that has dealt with them and has had an experience like listed here, put in a formal complaint to the ACCC because when they see a pattern of this happening they can act but if we all just sit back and take it, they will keep doing it

  65. Exactly the same rubbish experience for me. First of all they show this huge warehouse implying that they have the parts in stock. this is not the case , their "available" means they will order the parts from somewhere else, which means it will take weeks. When told about this I wanted to cancel my order, but they refused. When my parts arrived at their warehouse I paid extra for courier, another few days delay. Then the parcel did not arrive yet, after four days (between Wollongong and Adelaide. They use Fastway, which is the same useless as the BigWarehouse themselves. They do not care of customers at all, and same with Fastway. I will never order from them ever. Unfortunately this is a common trend across most Australian businesses - nobody gives a darn about customers, because there is so little choice and so much protectionism.

  66. I ordered a door handle for a Samsung Washing Machine for which I was charged $47.It arrived in a few days and was the correct part. As I thought this was very expensive for a small plastic part I then looked up other suppliers and found the identical item with delivery charges for $15.I ordered this and when delivered found it to be exactly the same as I got from BWS. I emailed BWS with this information but as expected, no response. This occurred over three months ago.

  67. Just read this blog. Happen to find this page as I was just double checking the part number for a Samsung washing machine handle (seems like a common spare requirement for Samsung). I was at the CC payment screen about to pay a $50 to them when I did this and thank you for the feedback. Did not proceed, found the item at (and no I dont work for them as I am in Central QLD). Got the part for about $19 for the same thing and even chipped in for express post. Total was $15 below BWS. Cheers for the info and saving me from a cranky wife with 2 toddlers, I will hopefully have the washing machine up and running before the kids run out of clothes

  68. I ordered element for oven. Becareful about free del, they don't give all the postage options so when you press unsure they can calculate and send via the most expensive couriers as possible. Then they swipe your credit card again.


  69. They sent wrong part and refused to do anything about it. Complete Scam!!I ordered a part for my oven. Took over 10 DAYS to arrive. They sent the wrong part then made me jump through hoops to try get a refund. 1 month- 20 emails later. Still No luck!


  70. These clowns are highly unreliable and unprofessional.

    If you have not yet purchased anything form this mob then DEFINITELY DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM BIG WAREHOUSE SPARES. I highly recommend you go elsewhere. It's too bad I did not check any reviews before placing an order as I would not have placed it given other peoples bad experiences.

    They are the dodgiest on-line merchant I have dealt with in over 10 years of purchasing goods on-line.

    I recently ordered an item which was listed as "available" but it did not arrive in a reasonable time frame and I only received excuses to further delay delivery. I did not receive the item at all.

    I did get a FULL REFUND within the 60 day limit specified in their own terms and conditions. I subsequently purchased the exact same item form another supplier at LESS THAN HALF THE PRICE AND it was available for me to pick up with in a week of ordering AND they charged my card on the day I picked it up rather than in advance.

    Here is what you do;
    To get the refund I raised a dispute via my bank who investigated and reversed the transaction.

    Merchants have a responsibility and obligations to provide goods ordered to consumers in a reasonable time and if not we have the option to initiate a charge back. And this is exactly what you SHOULD do as it is not desirable for the merchant and affects the merchants standing with their bank.

    Keep all records of the transaction and emails between yourself and the merchant to support your case. Print them to PDF files and provide them to your bank when requested including a summary of your interaction with the merchant. You need to show that you have made an attempt to resolve the matter with the merchant.

    Check out the following link for consumer rights information


  71. These clowns are highly unreliable and unprofessional.

    If you have not yet purchased anything form this mob then DEFINITELY DO NOT BUY ANYTHING FROM BIG WAREHOUSE SPARES. I highly recommend you go elsewhere. It's too bad I did not check any reviews before placing an order as I would not have placed it given other peoples bad experiences.

    They are the dodgiest on-line merchant I have dealt with in over 10 years of purchasing goods on-line.

    I recently ordered an item which was listed as "available" but it did not arrive in a reasonable time frame and I only received excuses to further delay delivery. I did not receive the item at all.

    I did get a FULL REFUND and prior to the 60 day limit specified in their own terms and conditions. I subsequently purchased the exact same item from another supplier at LESS THAN HALF THE PRICE AND it was available for me to pick up within a week of ordering AND they charged my card on the day I picked it up rather than in advance.

    Here is what you do;
    To get the refund I raised a dispute via my bank who investigated and reversed the transaction.

    Merchants have a responsibility and obligations to provide goods ordered to consumers in a reasonable time and if not we have the option to initiate a charge back. And this is exactly what you SHOULD do as it is not desirable for the merchant and affects the merchants standing with their bank.

    Keep all records of the transaction and emails between yourself and the merchant to support your case. Print them to PDF files and provide them to your bank when requested including a summary of your interaction with the merchant. You need to show that you have made an attempt to resolve the matter with the merchant.

    Check out the following link for consumer rights information

    1. I had the exact same experience - apart from me using my bank to get my refund - it is eerie to read!
      Was very good to use my oven tonight as it has not been able to be used since September the 26th - and I ordered the part that day...just got my refund yesterday! AND also picked up the part I ordered, from a local business, yesterday too - 6 days after ordering it!
      This whole thing has been a nightmare - and the only good thing about it was that I found this blog and don't feel so absolutely gullible, because I am not the only one this has happened to. Buyer Beware!

  72. i ordered two products worth 50 dollars together and then they changed the product and made it cost 113 dollars i have called twice never picked up, i have sent 4 emails and o response what should i do like seriously feel like reporting them to the cops and accusing them of stealing are they serious i want to close down this dumb company

  73. Jan 2017. Very very disappointed in BigWarehouseSpares, item took over 6 weeks from date of order placed to delivery. They are happy to take your money upfront. Never followed through on their promises in their email correspondence. Reviews on their website don't have dates, and are only positive ones - they could have made these up and placed their own reviews. No company in business is going to place honest poor reviews on their website. An independent site of reviews is always a more true reflection of that business.

  74. I just want to say I have read the above and it is all true. I have experienced nothing but grief with this company. I have spent enough time on this and made the decision to call the bank and have them reverse the transaction. Miele have the item is stock and half the price. The only reason I ordered part from BWS was because it was Sunday and it all seemed so easy..... Not!

  75. It looks like I've just been stitched up by Big Warehouse Spares. Wish I'd seen this blog sooner...

  76. Completely agree with all the bad reviews. DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY

  77. Same again for me - this time I was told that it was a special order and they couldn't refund on special orders. It seemed to be "special" because they had to order it in from the manufacturer. Well they don't appear to stock anything do they? So everything is a special order isn't it? So nobody ever gets a refund right?

  78. Take a look at their terms and conditions - if you agree with them go ahead and order. If I'd found these before I definitely wouldn't have used them.

  79. I wish I had seen this site before I ordered! I ordered a part for a food processor and waited weeks for it to arrive. No communication from the company until I emailed and was then told they would look into it and get back to me. More waiting until I was sent an email saying the supplier had increased the price to $51 from the original price of $23 but they would give it to me for $41. I cancelled the order and ordered through the Phillips website at only slightly more than the original $23. Now I am attempting to get my money back which they have had for a month already. Avoid this business at all costs. Parts are not in stock and then they try to get you to pay much more than the advertised price.

  80. OMG
    I am Licenced Refrigeration and Air conditioning Technician I have over 35 Years Experience.

    I have also been Stitched Up
    by this piss poor Company Bigspareswarehouse.

    They send the wrong part after you give them the correct information as they don't listen.
    They send you the wrong part 3-4 weeks later.
    Then blame you for ordering the wrong part and say NO REFUND AVAILABLE.
    The Ombudsman needs to shut this incompetent bunch of fraudsters down ASAP

  81. I just dealt with these monkeys ( not being fair to monkeys )
    And have also been sent that wrong part, only to get an email this morning, pretty much telling me that it is bad luck, and no refund.

    Dirty Dogs!!!!

  82. I have just lodged a complaint with NSW fair trading. I suggest everybody do the same. I was caught out with the images of a huge warehouse and the word 'available'. I emailed the same day, three times the next day and faxed, until I found this site and used the phone number - which was picked up straight away (thank you OP). I managed to cancel the order but now they want to charge me 30% cancellation fee on a $330 order!! And, I still haven't received any money back after 10 days. I told them they should re-word their site and put 'on order' or 'available to order from manufacturer'.

  83. OMG I just got scammed by BigWarehouse. Why didn't I see this website before (cry!) I ordered original Airwell RC4-1 Ionizer remote control cost $237 only to discover they sent me the fake remote for Airwell RC3 that available everywhere and cost less than $10!!!!
    I email, call and fax them, all have no reply.

    Should I go to NSW to knock on their door and demand for my money back? Should I report this matter to NSW police?
    send by: LZ QLD

    1. Hi LZ, sorry you've been scammed. You join a long list. I encourage you to pay them a visit at 8 Ruddock St, Corrimal NSW 2518 (wollongong). The more of us that confront them in person the better.

  84. Here is another story of being ripped off by Big Warehouse Spares
    If anyone is considering buying from BigWarehouseSpares, I say don't do it. They will take your money and when the parts are wrong they will invent a story to deny a refund. Apart from the extraordinarily expensive parts their customer service is non existent.

    Checkout these prices for a Delonghi coffee milk frother

    DELONGHI ESAM5450 GASKET. Price $24.49 inc GST. This is a tiny little gasket.
    DELONGHI ESAM5450 O-RING. Price $22.80 inc GST. As described, it's an o-ring about 4 mm diameter.
    DELONGHI ESAM5450 FROTHER. Price $51.68 inc GST. This is a plastic tube about 60mm long.
    DELONGHI ESAM5450 TUBE LOWER. Price $24.50 inc GST. Again an o-ring about 6mm diameter.

    They supplied parts but could not supply others which made the parts supplied useless. Then said sorry the parts supplied were correct.
    Look elsewhere you will be glad you did.

  85. Well, I had bad dealings with them as well. Wish I would've seen this site first!
    Ordered two lint filters for my (older) Simpson dryer and quoted the model number at the front.
    Wrong filter was sent (too small in diameter). When I emailed them I got a curt answer. Apparently I quoted the series number and not the model number! I should take the model number off the compliance plate.
    We lifted and re-attached the (for us heavy) dryer off the wall - no compliance plate anywhere!
    I asked for a refund and voila! a restocking fee of $20 will be taken off because I didn't specify the correct model number! Hello, I can't give it to them because there is none! Will see if the refund happens next week. I told Aaron I will never deal with them. Also, the lint filter were overpriced.

    I ordered item that showed as in stock but have been since advised 15 days as they have to be ordered and that they dont stock any parts all have to be sourced and ordered efforts to contact David W - Manger have been useless as he is very busy and wont reply to emails. am stuck no refund no parts.

  87. Yep they are still trading still the same scammers and I have just been stung. Why do we we have Fair Trading laws if the Departments will not take any action.
    Same usual "Available" displayed on web page, this is fraudulent misleading statement and they are4 still using the terms and conditions get out clause to fob you off.
    Government departments you have blood on your hands either do something about or resign your Job for Life easy ride and let someone else do it

  88. DO NOT DEAL WITH THIS COMPANY - they do not respond to emails and if they do sporadically with a standard company line. They sent me the wrong part despite sending them an image and it was totally OVERPRICED. I purchased the same part off another company 50% cheaper. NO Phone number on their website so you do not even get to speak to someone. I wish I had seen these reviews before dealing with this company. Why does the department of Fair trading not deal with this?

  89. I think i've just been "scammed".
    The "business model" they use leans 100% in their favour.
    Business first - Customer (what are they) last.
    Unable to contact them via phone, although it can be found.
    No courtesy calls.
    Been promised part has been ordered, but i wont hold my breath.

  90. They are still at it. It is a real shame they cannot be shut down, but they are exceptionally professional at one thing: skirting consumer law.

    I believe one of their active scams is to deliberately target people who opt out of the separate shipping insurance (which is a scam in and of itself). They send inferior and broken parts to these shoppers and then try to use the insurance opt-out to say you have no rights.

    Don't stand for it. Avoid these thieves in the first instance. If you've already been stolen from, fight for your consumer rights. The NSW department of fair trading will give you friendly & helpful advice on their help line:
    Good luck.

  91. I wish I had seen this blog before ordering from them. Inefficient to say the least. Still waiting for my order. Many emails have jumped back and forth. Their standard reply is they will have the "accounts department" look into why my payment has not been received. The payment was made by direct debit and left my account 15 days ago with all relevant order # and details. I have lodged a complaint to Fair Trading. Total scammers. Don't go near them.

  92. I ordered an oven handle for my Ariston oven in late June this year. $160 was debited from my credit card on July 3rd. After multiple emails from the "accounts department" (yes, quotation marks are needed here) I still have no idea of when the part will be delivered.
    I have asked for a refund but, of course, I have very low expectations of getting it. I told them that I would be contacting VCAT if the refund is not forthcoming.

  93. Thanks for the heads up, i was looking for parts for my caravan washing machine about to order and read this blog rang Lemair direct and was guided by them and saved $48 in the process.

  94. I ordered 6 parts for an oven (nearly $600 worth) and 4 were listed as in-stock for guaranteed fast delivery. After a month without receiving any parts I asked for an update only to be told that they were waiting on parts. I told them I had to end up buying a new oven as we had a big party to cater for and would like a refund. They were very quick to point out that they don't do refunds. I then asked for a refund for the guaranteed (in-stock) items that weren't supplied which was ignored. After several more emails I received a reply that simply said "goods dispatched". This was 6 weeks after I placed the order. I now have $600 of parts for an oven that is in the bin. Thanks Big Warehouse Spares. I also have concerns that all of the reviews on their website don't show. You can only see the last 30 but there is nothing to stop that being very selective and possibly very misleading. Stay away from this company as the only real measure of a good company is their actions when things go wrong.

  95. OH CRAP ... also ordered part before finding this ... heres hoping I dont loose my $43 ... Will follow up ...

  96. Yes, wish I had read the reviews too. Ordered small two weeks ago which still has not arrived. I have even been sent a tracking number by Australia Post. I rung Australia Post who informed me that just because their tracking says the item has been received, in reality, it does not mean that they have physically received it at all. Australia Post explained to me that it just means they received the information about it from their corporate customer. I am wondering if BWS is in a period of Christmas close-down, even though I have been sent a customer feedback request. Even if the business is in a Christmas close down - the total lack of ability to leave a message on their phone system with the ubiquitous Ms. Hudson, and the lack of any out of Office messages in response to emails makes for poor customer service.

  97. Well, further to this and just to keep it fair - Australia Post may or may not have the item. Apparently when the courier driver scans in the box from a despatching supplier such as BWS, they explained that could be picking up 50 items - the individual items are then scanned in later at Australia Post. But, even accounting for Christmas delays - it should have apparently been scanned in by now. I still have to wait another two days to trigger an Australia Post investigation - and same as yesterday, Australia Post advises to also follow up with the supplier!! Following up with the supplier is difficult if they do not publish a phone number, you are not receiving an email reply including an out of office message. Anyhow - the above problem could be Australia Post not BWS.

    1. Update: I got through the phone system and spoke to Angela. She has assured me they will follow up. She has apologised and said they have been really busy over this period and will look into the location of my ordered part. I will accept this as a reasonable response for the time being.

    2. Update #2: Two emails now received confirming BWS action on this, including investigation with Australia Post, and assurance that a replacement will be sent if the part has been lost. Can't ask for much more at this stage (except the part). I will post a further update when I have received. Thanks to this website for providing a number. Thanks to Angela and Aaron at BWS for their replies following my second lot of emails today and phone call.

    3. Update 3 - looks like it is on its way now through Australia Post. It was just processed through an Australia Post facility today (January 5th) after having been "received" on December 21st. It's now in Australia Post's hands and BWS had obviously done the right thing in triggering an investigation.

    4. Update 4 and final comment: My part has arrived! So I hope my postings have provided some objective evidence. Would I order parts again? All things considered, I would, but I would also feel happier if they published their phone number and provided a more fully supported phone-based customer assistance, or, at minimum, live chat customer service in normal business hours.

  98. My worst shopping experience online ever. Sent part different to one pictured in order and just want to argue rather than help a customer. If I wanted what they sent I would have bought elsewhere much cheaper. Part does not even work with device.

  99. I had no problem with my Part - Door handle for a Maytag Front loader. Yes it was expensive, but no one else had it. Delivered in 6 business days.

  100. Don't use BWS if you value your money as they do not produce the goods then when you ask for refund they take $20 for admin fee's.
    They only admin I seen was a lot of empty promise's via email.
    They should be closed down.

    1. BIGWAREHOUSESPARES is nothing but a scam company but they have obviously found a way of somehow staying within the law whilst being able to hold on to your money.
      Like a lot of others I ordered a part that was showing as "Available" which for anyone that doesn't know means "Readily available from the manufacturer"
      I had already made inquiries to Blanco and knew that they didn't stock the part I needed anymore.
      They obviously have no way of knowing at this time whether the part is indeed available but after taking your money they try and locate the part.
      They state that they have 60 days to locate the part which again is nothing more than a ploy to hang on to your money for as long as possible.
      Once again like many of you they initially were responding to emails but that soon stopped.
      I spoke to Consumer Affairs about them and gave them all the info that I had and was informed that 60 days was unacceptable and I should demand a refund straight away.
      This of course fell on deaf ears at BWS.
      After a while they realised that the part was indeed no longer available from the manufacturer as they initially stated (one phone call in the beginning would have told them that)
      They then had the cheek to ask me to locate the part inside the microwave to try to find any stickers with a name and part number and then they would proceed to try to find the part overseas, there is nothing in conditions that states that they can obtain parts from overseas. This once again is another ploy to hang on to your money for as long as possible.
      At this point after receiving no replies at all from them I contacted my bank and initiated a CHARGEBACK as it was purchased with a credit card, I gave my bank all the details of the order and also some of the initial email correspondence I had with them.
      After just over a week I had a follow up from my bank saying that they had temporarily put a credit into my account (my bank had done this not BWS)
      The next day I received an email from BWS apologising for not being able to supply the part and refunding the amount paid in full.
      This indicated to me that they do not like this Chargeback being brought against them.
      My advice to anyone going through the same as I have is to also do the chargeback, as long as you have paid by credit card and that you do it within 30 days.
      This refund was done after one month of holding my money and not the 60 days mentioned on the website and their own statement of only doing refunds on the 1st of the month was also ignored.
      This company knows how to flout the law and has obviously put time and effort into knowing how to do so.
      I knew from my conversation with Consumer Affairs that BWS was known to them but as many people have found before they are powerless to do anything.
      Chargeback is your only option and remember to spread the word in any way you can about BIGWAREHOUSESPARES being a total scam.

    2. well i bought oven hinges it is 8 weeks still waiting i did get a email saying we will get back to you soon that was 2 weeks ago yes never buy from bigwarehouse found them to be a very shifty company buyer beware of them as i got robed

  101. I've created a google location for this mob for those that want to review them.

  102. Funny how the only comments here are from whingers claiming to be "scammed" yet it sounds like normal processing, stock,or delivery issues.
    I have dealt with BWS a number of times WITHOUT ISSUE, and free, fast postage all the time.

    1. you are obviously in on the scam - kickbacks anyone!!!!

  103. All went well with my last order, this blog put me off at first but BWS was the only company that had the correct range hood switch listed. I thought I had nothing to lose so I ordered it. It came, I fitted and yes I am a happy customer... Now I'm going to use them again for a $200 order for fridge Dairy Door parts. Again no-one else has them listed. I'll post back if good or Bad. I'm keeping my fingers crossed of course but I will speak as I find.

  104. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  105. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  106. Ordered throught them in November, paid over $200 for a part, exact part number supplied by my electrician.
    'A' part arrived after a month and a half - the incorrect part - different part number, for a different device entirely.

    I have been trying for a month now to contact ANYONE via. thier website feedback form, directly emailing the email address above and the email address listed on their domainwhitepages contact listing, the manager email address, AND calling the phone number, the phone number advises that they are currently outside of thier operating hours no matter when you call, then when you select the option for a callback, they advise no operators available and it disconnects you.

    This is a very dodgey company and I will NEVER recommend them to ANYONE. I am taking this to Fair trade as this is clearly outside of fair trade practices.

  107. # month ordeal, December ordered a replacement oven door glass (needed a working oven for the Christmas break) - paid the money, 7 days later the wrong oven door glass arrives (totally wrong, not even for the same make.) - Jumped through their hoops on at least 3 emails confirming the model type etc. Then they went quiet.

    Department of Fair Trading in QLD contacted and low & behold they responded. Long story short, they claimed they refunded but didn't, a follow up with my bank & Fair Trading had an eventual refund done 3 months after the event -

    Never deal with them.

    Here is some emails to help people out: (These were some involved in my "simple" refund)

  108. you think that is bad, I am still waiting for a responce.

    Hi ,

    Thank you for your email,

    We have gone above any beyond to offer a replacement order free of charge, and a refund less the restocking fee. I have referred this to management again, the best we can offer is a store credit for the value of the part.

    Please confirm how you wish to proceed.

    BigWarehouse Spares
    Order Number:
    Current Order Status: Hold - Your order is on hold


    Customer Support Team

    BigWarehouse Spares

    w: | a: Factory C, 8 Ruddock Street, Corrimal NSW 2518
    | f: (02) 8080 8122

    Mar 20, 2019, 9:03 PM
    to BigWarehouse

    I disagree with that comment very strongly, if you had gone above and beyond you would have answered my concerns and phone calls quicker and sooner. In each instant I pointed out that this was getting more and more urgent.It is because you did not do so that I am now less the call out fees and money for these parts you insisted I pay in advance.

    Be cause you failed to make that offer in a timely manner I have suffered this loss.Between your company and your courier companies action, It has resulted in me losing a client and any future income from this client, if what you wrote is true then we would not have had to wait 3 weeks for you to decided what to do next, no it was your procrastination over this matter that resulted in this loss of income and no matter how many phone calls and emails you have they show that the time frame was too long and the client just did not believe me when i was passing on your information.

    I believe that this would be the same result if we were to seek a legal solution after I show how many attempts we made to get the parts be fore the client had to seek a replacement oven over a repair.

    I will not suffer any loss on the parts as well as the call out fee.

    Please reconsider your statement and position in this matter as I am asking for a full refund which you will be able to claim back from your carriers insurance company.

    If i was to consider a credit voucher then I would also like it for the loss of the call out fee(132 dollars)and also is there a time limit as to how long the credit voucher is valid for.

  109. I have just had a bad experience with Big Warehouse Spares.
    They have charged a exorbitant cost for delivery to Perth and not only that it took 3 weeks to arrive. The package was 30 grams in weight and I was charged $14. What a rip off !

  110. Their practices continue, I will need to cancel my credit card transaction, as they seem to have no intention of supplying my part.

  111. Not sure why they are still allowed to trade - similar scenario to numerous examples above. Part ordered, was marked as available and payment charged to my visa. 2 WEEKS LATER NO REPLY to emails and no EDD. I have requested a refund and no reply at all. have now rasied this as a disputed transaction. Ordered the part from Nespresso for $8.45 delivered when BWS wanted $26 and $12 freight

  112. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR POST (2014) AS IT IS UP THERE ON GOOGLE JUST BELOW ALL THEIR FALSE ADVERTISING AND FAKE REVIEWS [eople must be warned! All these years later and this company is still out there scamming people! I buy online all the time and yet i got misled by their website and fake reviews.

  113. No problems at all in my dealings with BWS fast service and free delivery

  114. Scammers, ordered small part on credit card, $43.22 free postage. I was charged $49.17 and a further $13.91 10 minutes later, only way to contact is through there site , have sent 2 messages , still no reply . Do not deal with them

  115. They are on Very limited time now to fix or refund my order. FACEBOOK is a very GOOD Platform, so is

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