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This lady loves living it up at our expense |
I can't tell you how pissed off I am at Bronwyn Bishop and her cronies.
It seems everyday, we have more examples of her lavish work lifestyle thrust into our faces. It has spawned a myriad of photo's on the internet, which I admit, I have a smirk over.
To make matters worse, Tony Abbott doesn't have the balls to do something about it. The Australian economy is not in a good position. I'm sure that most people would agree with that. Sure, we're not as bad as Greece, and we're holding our head above the water, but surely, it would appear natural to public servants to pull their heads in a bit.
Enter Bronwyn Bishop. A high flyer with aspirations of a diva. The want of living a high life, but at someone else's expense. The Australian Tax Payers expense, if you haven't worked it out.
I'm not against politicians having SOME perks, but let's face it, how many is enough, and when is it time to stop? Sure, they work long hours, but um hello, they are also paid quite well. I work long hours at work, and am paid reasonably well, but I don't get all the perks these people do. Little Bronny could have hailed down a taxi and been driven to Geelong and back and it still would have been much cheaper than the $5000 odd we had to pay her for the luxury jaunt.
And sure, she's paid the money back quick smart, along with a penalty, but lets face it, that amount of money is probably nothing to her. To me though, that's not the point. Bronny sought to live it up at OUR expense. Taxpayers money used to support a lavish trip. That's what I'm pissed about. To me, it says a lot about what type of person she is underneath, irrespective of whether the money's been paid back or not.
It's like "I'm in government in a powerful position, and damn it, I'm going to live it up".
And Bronny paid up that money quick smart. Why? because she knew there'd be questions asked, and someone would start delving into her past expenses, which appears exactly to have happened. Good!
You only have to read any newspaper now to see new accusations of blatant 'living it up' expenses. expensive bottles of wine, lavish dinners, lavish travel expenses.
The HUGE costs of taking a small party overseas, and extravagant limousine hire. Do these people in power actually have a morality switch and turn it off every now and then so they can live it up. I can understand a Minister or Speaker travelling first class on an overseas flight, but the whole lot? Come on now. Can't the secretary and underlings go in economy? We don't have a lot of excess money in Australia, what about taking it easy on the expenses?
And now, multiply Bronny by all those other pollies who have perks and travel etc, and you can start to imagine the huge cost to the average Aussie, to keep our government alive and well.
It's like "Yay, we're in government positions, lets party and live it up"
"Expensive limo trips, expensive wines, expensive dinners, expensive airline tickets - Yay, come one guys, live it up" .. "Thank god the average taxpayer has no idea what we're doing"....
Well, I think your chickens have come home to roost people. The general media are delving deeper now, not only into Bronny, but a whole host of other people and their lavish expenses.
It's a new age of social media and enlightenment for the average person. We have Facebook, Twitter, Blogs etc, and have a voice that can reach out far and wide. It's no longer "letters to the editor" expressing disapproval at excessive government lavish expenses.
Get on your high horses people and email, write on Facebook pages and Tweet all you need to your government people to show how you are not going to put up with the lavish lifestyles at our expense. If Bronny wanted to pay for that trip out of her own money, great, not a care in the world. But she didn't, and public servants should be forced to take the cheapest means possible to do their job. EG, all national flights are to be in economy, not first class. Taxi's and hire cars are to be used in preference to chauffeured limosines. Wines at dinners should have a $40 per bottle maximum.
You can still do your job, and get around quite well whilst reigning in the costs. Just imagine how much we'd save as a nation if our government reigned in it's expensive tastes.
In fact, in my opinion, we don't really have any decent government in this country, and we haven't had it for a while. The pigs (the politicians) all have their snouts in the trough getting what they can out of an overly generous system. I know they put in a good amount of their time, but then they are also paid (good money) for that time. It's not like they're being asked to put in their time for free. I understand they have electorates and need funds to do their thing, but come on, where does the generosity stop? On top of this, the pollies have generous superannuation arrangements, which can be accessed early, with a rate well above what is paid to the average Aussie? Why? Why should a pollie be able to access their super before any of us? and why is the rate at least 15% rather than the 9% that the rest of us have to put up with? I know some companies pay more than the minimum, but most would pay the minimum. More examples of an overly generous system. And of course, what politician is going to vote away their rights to all this generosity? None, you hit it on the head. Like I said, they have their snouts in the trough getting what they can out of the system.
Time to go Bronwyn Bishop. You've lived it up well and truly at the taxpayers expense. Now it's time for you to start paying your own way.
Get Real
Update: 2/8/2015
As you've probably heard through the general media, Bronwyn Bishop has just resigned as Speaker. I'm sure she still can't fathom what she's done wrong, in a moral sense.
Update: 2/8/2015
As you've probably heard through the general media, Bronwyn Bishop has just resigned as Speaker. I'm sure she still can't fathom what she's done wrong, in a moral sense.