Thursday 10 January 2013

Sheik Ismail Al-Wahwah, Australian head of extremist Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahrir

Sheik Ismail Al-Wahwah, the Australian head of extremist Islamic group Hizb ut-Tahrir.

The above Sheik wants Australia to become an Islamic state according to news reports just out.

No, Sheik Ismail Al-Wahwah, we don't want to become an Islamic state. If you want more of Islam... go back home. You're not wanted here in Australia.

How would you like me to move to your homeland, and ask for the people and government to convert to  Christianity and follow the Christian ways? No, you wouldn't like it. In fact, I'd probably be thrown in jail, never to be seen again. Possibly even beheaded?

In my travels, I have been to heavily populated Islamic countries, and don't find this attitude anywhere except for these extremist people. If I had my way, I'd deport you within a week never to return to Australia, but our government is gutless.

Queensland MP, Steve Ciobo says:

"Frankly, we have had a gutful of people who deliberately incite hatred and people who want to overturn the foundation principles of this country," he said. "This Sheik Al-Wahwah needs to be slapped down from moderate Muslim supporters who recognise there is no place in Australia for these kinds of attitudes."The sheik told supporters it was their duty to "carry the light of Islam to the rest of the world ... Not with flowers. It was the army of Muslims which started from Medina, and they went to China, India, and the Maghreb.

"That is jihad."

He said under an Islamic government, alcohol would be banned, a strict dress code enforced for all Australians and languages other than Arabic banned in schools.

It pisses me off to no degree when people immigrate to Australia then aren't happy with our system and ways. Well, if that's the case, why did you move here ? And, in addition, if you don't like Australian ways, the door is always open for you to move back home. I won't stop you. I have nothing against Muslim people and have Muslim friends, but I won't stand for these people telling us to totally change our society to suit theirs.


Sheik Ismail Al-Wahwah

Get Real


  1. If you actually believe in Australian values like tolerance and a fair go, you wouldn't be so quick to call for people you disagree with to be forcibly deported.

    I don't support Al-Wahwah, but I do believe in the democratic process. Since there's no indication he's planning a violent revolution, his only other option is to present his platform of an Islamic state to the Australian people at an election, where he would certainly be rejected.

    1. He is breathing isn't he?

    2. Australian tolerance should not extend to sedition, any more than it should to extend rape or murder. Indeed deportation is too generous, given that our existing laws allow for up to seven years jail for this crime (which IS tolerant, given the summary imprisonment or execution one might expect for committing sedition or blasphemy in much of the Islamic world.

  2. What a stupid comment by Angasoehme. I as a citizen of Australia, I believe in a fair go and tolerance but I'm not stupid and a wowser to have our system undermined. As this blog writer points out elsewhere in his blog.. a good test is this.. would Sheik Ismail Al-Wahwahs' homeland allow an Aussie to set up a Christian school or make statements publicly about wanting to set up a western state? No way .. you'd probably be thrown out of the country after being jailed for some vague religious reason. Giving a fair go and being tolerant doesn't mean you have to do it to the point of stupidity.

  3. I think the brother has a point. Muslims laid claim to the country long before Cook arrived, so it's only right it revert back to its former glory.

    1. Get over yourself... Muslims have never had any claim to Australia... The only people who have any real claim to Australia is the Aboriginal people who have been here for 60,000 to 100,000 years. Also where is your proof of any Muslim claim to Australia?
