Thursday, 8 November 2012

Scott and Brett Saunders, Zachary Hunter - Kangaroo Killers

Here are pictures of 2 of the 3 Australian SCUMBAGS of the YEAR

Brett Saunders - SCUMBAG

Zachary Hunter - SCUMBAG

Unpictured is Scott Saunders - SCUMBAG

I suppose it's no surprise to know that these bogans took delight and joy in torturing repeatedly and finally killing a small defenceless baby kangaroo in cold blood. The stupid fools were dumb enough to take video of their cruel sadistic act. How dumb are they!!

To get off with pissy fines and good behaviour bonds in just ridiculous. Poor damn performance by our so called court system. I would have jailed these bogans for 2 or more years. Teach these scumbags a lesson. One can only hope the appeal will go through and their sentences increased... at least to jail.

Apparently, they have received death threats.. sucked in.. damn shame if anything happened to them!

I think I would speak for most Australians when I say they can rot in hell.

You can see the full story of these scumbags here:

Get Real

Addendum 09/11/2012

A clarification for those people who say "it's only a 'roo, let's not get too worried about it".

It's more about the fact that the animal was totally defenceless and suffered terrible pain and shock until it's death. How would you feel if 3 decent sized blokes attacked and tortured your family pet, dog, cat whatever? and then found out they just did it for 'fun' ?

This is where we need some Sharia law (No, I'm not Muslim), an eye for an eye. That might teach them a lesson about the infliction of pain on other creatures, whether human or not.

Get Real


  1. settle down, mate. its just a pesky roo.

    1. I hope you are tortured repeatedly. YOu pesky scumbag!
      hope a Roo kicks you in the nuts and makes you eat it!

    2. What is with you people who feel is acceptable to torture a baby animal beause society deems it a pest? This mentality is sick, I wouldn't want a man like you or these sick criminals anywhere near me or my loved ones. You all have no heart or humanity. You sick weirdo's terrify me.

    3. You are a vile, pesky, uneducated, boganoid who should be deported to Christmas Island!

      These little pieces of scum are now scared of a empty death threat? This comes nowhere near the terror that little baby Kangaroo would have felt after being thrown in a car boot, teased, viscously beaten and killed.

      I hope someone makes good on these threats and beats this guys to an inch of their lives!

    4. I would have no problem taking these scum out. Lucky I wasn't at court because I would gladly gone to jail knowing that I stood up for this baby . That poor little bugger, just a baby with 3 so called men taking pleasure in taking it's life. I am so angry and want nothing more for those fuckers to feel pain slowly. Watch your back scum, revenge is coming your way !!!!!

  2. If they are a pest, fine, but why take pleasure in drawing out the torture .... that is the saddistic part! Morons .....

    1. It is NEVER EVER fine to torture a helpless innocent animal. EVER! Show some humanity. You are a disgrace!

    2. Someone should be able to access their address from the public ballot list for Victoria. Depends how many people have the same name.

    3. i am trying to find out their where abouts.. i have plans for them !!!!!

    4. We have ANDREA COOPERS ADDRESS.. Thats his evil mother.. yes the same lady that beat these children. the same lady that has interfered with these boys.. she has set up fake accounts on facebook and is now taken it upon herself to abuse wildlife rescue groups.seeking legal advice before we post her personals.

  3. whare are thes idiots from??? does anyone know?

  4. Vile sick F**ks, I have not seen the footage nor do I intend too. I have just thrown up at my work desk at the horrific abuse this baby Kangaroo received at hte hands of these brutal pathetic excuse of human beings. I am so ashamed to be human right now. Karma forgets no-one! Suffer this for the rest of your sick lives boys! and yes! they definitely need to serve jail time for this. I wish some elephant would come along and pick them up by their legs with his tronk and bash them against a tree. Then ask how doens that feel boys! good funny now??? goodO pricks!

  5. Disgraceful behaviour people who display this type of aggression and cruelty don't usually stop at hurting animals. They really are quite pathetic.

  6. These people are psychopaths. I hope that society never lets them forget what disgusting people they are.

  7. Really need some addresses for these wastes of skin, I'll take care of them... nice and slowly.

    1. i'll help you!! I've already been looking...

    2. Count me in. Since the courts won't administer justice, someone needs to. Would love to see how these cowardly, gutless flogs respond to some of their own medicine. Can anyone provide addresses??

    3. im in, trying to find them through fb but im hitting dead ends.

  8. There are too many of these brutal incidents going on. I am often reading about young guys sneaking around at night with dogs, killing any animal they can rustle up. A couple of weeks ago two alpacas were tortured to death by a couple of vile morons. With the State Liberal Party giving more and more power to the Shooters Party, we can expect a lot more of these incidents. These people just enjoy killing. They'd really prefer to kill a human but in the mean time they're making do with animals.

  9. If anyone does get the address of these jerks, please post it.

  10. Apparently Scott Saunders has moved to kalgoorlie, wa. Anyone in that area know where he might be?

  11. When they finally move on to killing people something will be done. It's a shame the system meant to protect us only gets of its arse once one of us is dead. I'm afraid people with common sense and compassion aren't in power.

  12. There whole family are a bunch of drugo hill billys, Scott is in Kalgoorlie the rest are around Seymour / Tallarook area. They have always been fereal hill billys even years ago!! They all were like there's no video but now its got to the public. dumb fucks!

  13. It's not until the courts start coming down on crimes against animals that anything will change. We need to unite in a worldwide campaign for harsher penalties that make these deplorable people accountable for the disgraceful acts they commit. As for those imbeciles who get on here to say ridiculous things about it being "a pesky roo"....grow a soul, if that's at all possible.

  14. Im glad they're as hated as they are but hope no one makes good on a death threat. That wont be a step forward for animal rights. It will force the courts to keep a lid on future cases. The best thing that happened in this case is media and public outrage and probably the only reason there was an appeal lodged.

  15. First you hear a bunch of white men tieing a dog up and torturing it to death on the news. Then you hear a bunch of young white men from the army torturing kittens and burning them to death on the news. Now you hear a bunch of white men bashing a joey to death. I know Pedophilia and serial killing is predomninently a white thing. But surely animal torturing and murdering isnt???????

  16. Considering the countless research papers that have been produced by scholars in this field we can come to the conclusion that these three men have a defect in their characters or simply that they have very very small dicks and r finding woman laughing aT THEM naked hard to comprehend and it has forced them to vent in a very un-natural negative way... then again if we take a realistic look at the mother - ANDREA COOPER and her fucktard of a fiancee DARREN LAMB we can see that there are some serious issues on how they were raised...BAD PARENTING that needed DOCS to interven many many many years ago... maybe even at birth....... keep a look out in the papers in the future.. These boys will be headline news again... however I believe it will be a woman or child that is their NEXT VICTIM....if they already haven't!

  17. All I can Say is these Sadistic SCUM will get there own Back ! there is such a thing as CARMER !

  18. Just found this site. I'm from SA,working in Mel now,so appreciate the artcles about home here. As for the roo thing,it is 'normalised' mistreatment of animals like this,as we have live exports where animals are kiled in pain and even the Maggie can be shot(as i saw in Adelaide)for swooping us posties. Which is stupid. So a roo is 'expandable' under this view. And yeah it is only pet food anyway,so who cares? Unless you have morals in the general treatement of animals,we will always face this crap of cruelty to animals-let alone people-case in point the cancelled speech in Sydney opera house about honour killings..

  19. It would be better if the attitudes by those that harm animals were changed, rather than the threatening words uttered above re. 'doing to the guys x' concerned. Two wrongs never make a right. I do wonder about folk that want to harm others, perhaps they should look at themselves first.
