Monday 5 November 2012

The Anne Redmond Murder - The case for capital punishment

If there ever has been a case for capital punishment in Australia, this case surely must be a catalyst.

Two young bogan thugs, so called 'B' and 'J' in the youth court, viciously attacked and killed 87 year old pensioner - Anne Redmond - some time ago.

In the usual cowardly fashion, they blame each other for the actual killing of poor Ms Redmond. As far as I'm concerned, even if you're an accessory to murder, you are just as guilty as the person who does the physical kill.

Because our judges are so wussy in South Australia, you watch these pair get off with some pissy sentence like 15 years "because of their young age" ...

These two young thugs and murderers, should be put to death. Why should the public waste money keeping them in prison only to have them come out in years to come, maladjusted to society, and probably head straight back into criminal activity.

Time to get tough on serious crime. Re-introduce the death penalty. There's never been a better case than this for tougher penalties.

Get Real

1 comment:

  1. For a start get your facts right, each was sentenced to 20 years imprisonment which is the maximum that can be given to an adult you commits a crime as a youth. Your entire argument is based on speculation and your simplistic view of society. Society is not simple, so simple solutions will simply not work. There's another reason why this hasn't been published in a newspaper or some other form of credible media, because majority of people don't share your view about the death penalty.
