Saturday 11 August 2012

Expectant mum a winner in case after waiting a year - Natalie Demasi

Check out the above link on the AdelaideNow website to obtain the full story.

Natalie apparently made an illegal turn into a street (out of hours that it was allowed) and was caught out by a heavy handed cop and fined. Her reason for making the turn was that she was heavily pregnant and about to vomit. But the cop involved had no consideration and fined her anyway. In addition, the fine was not withdrawn even after a letter from Natalie's GP to the Fines Expiation Unit. I mean how mean and nasty can cops and the police department get ? It's no wonder no-one has any respect for police any more.

I commend Natalie in taking this action forward and letting it go to court and fighting for her rights. This cop should be kicked up the bum and reprimanded for commencing what would be a waste of court time and public money. The Fines Expiation Unit should likewise be kicked up the bum for not looking at this case in the right light.

Total incompetence from the start.

Good on you Natalie for sticking up for your rights, and to the cop involved - a birdy to you.

The only people with commonsense with this case was Natalie and Magistrate Phillip Broderick.

The purpose of this rant is to expose the stupidity and actions of our police department, It's time and money wasting actions are exactly the things that are clogging up our court system (and wasting tax payers money). Sure, if Natalie had no excuse whatsoever and just decided to make the illegal turn, throw the book at her, but she had a perfectly good explanation - which was ignored by the arrogant pig of a cop.

Get Real

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