Tuesday 28 August 2012

South Australian Police (SAPOL) trying to rip off the public again!

I read with interest that SA Police are now "urging" people to come forward if they think they've been fined unfairly for "speeding".

It turns out that SAPOL's super duper speed camera's aren't as good as what SAPOL will lead you to believe - AND - in addition, internal clerical errors are also to blame. I'd hate to think of how many internal errors are made with defendants DNA samples?

Apparently, officers are supposed to keep records of "dubious" camera snapping that may result in errors, but it has been exposed before that officers have been found sleeping, texting on their mobile phones, and just plain bored and payuing no attention. The simple fact that officers have to record "dubious" snaps indicate that the camera's are not always correct.

This whole fiasco started when a Torrens Transit bus was photographed "speeding" whilst it was actually stationery at a bus stop picking up passengers. How can these so called "state of the art" speed camera's stuff it up so badly? and how many unwitting people over the years have just paid a fine and grumbled and in reality, they're innocent?

We are a society that increasingly relies upon electronics and technology to work for us. There are times when we rely so heavily upon that technology, that most of us don't tend to question it ... then the technology gets caught out. Which is what has happened in this case. What pisses me off is the police will have you believe that the technology and gear they use is just about infallible. Why not just come out with the truth and state that at times, speed camera's and clerical staff DO make MISTAKES?

OK OK, I see you saying to yourself "Well, if the police come out and state that our camera's do make mistakes, we'll have the courts full of people defending their cases" whether they be in the wrong or  in the right.

My annoyance is the police/government will basically try and dupe you if they can. If they persuade you so much into believing that you are in the wrong, you are less likely to take up your cause with the courts. If you let the matter go to court and stand up for yourself, and you argue you weren't speeding, and are still found guilty, the court usually punishes you even more with costs etc. So you get a double whammy just for sticking up for your beliefs.

How many magistrates and/or judges are also "blinded" by this police arrogance that they are so in the right?

We should all have the right to defend outselves and not be punished (through additional costs) if the court doesn't find in our favour.

I would hate to think this police/government arrogance also extends to other area's of policing. What if blood or skin samples are found at a crime scene and through a "clerical error" by some lab technician, the evidence points to you. And it would also be a shame if you happened to live next door and were having a neighbourly row over a gum tree. You bet the police would be pointing the finger at you and saying "our technology is infallible - you are guilty as far as the police are concerned", and people are led along the garden path just as they are with speed camera's.

It's about time the government and it's agencies started to be upfront and honest with the public. It seems it's only when an agency or department gets caught out that we become aware that sometimes we are having the wool pulled over our eyes. The less the public knows, the better, type of attitude.

Get Real.


  1. police officers do not perform this role. It is public servants who sit in the car whilst the speed camera is operating.

  2. South australian police are using bullying tactics to promote themselves and make people's lives harder.

    I didn't run a read light but I am a victim that has been targeted wrongfully by police, and there is nothing I can do about it.

    Where are my rights? Where are others?
    Where has it left someone like me who is innocent?

    Fighting tooth and nail to keep my licence.

    They tell you to pay your fines and everything will be okay, even if you don't agree with them.

    I recently was done for speeding to which I am certain I was not!
    A single mother who is devoted with being a good citizen, a good person and the best role model I can be in life for my son.
    I condone speeding and would never consider risking such things. But that doesn't matter! They don't care! The are above the law.

    SAPOL prove this every single day, and who issues them fines when your doing 60km and they are doing 70-80km in the same zone?

    For the past two weeks after seeking legal advice I have been given the run around. They disregard your innocents and expect you to suffer with your wallet open.

    Rights have been taken, lies have been told and no one can give a straight answer to why the innocent drivers are being victimised!

    After 13 years of wanting to be a police officer I am disgusted with the way things get run. I no longer wish to be a part of a scamming, unwilling to help, organisation. The ones that are corrupt are a disgrace.

    I and many others get treated unfairly and are given misleading advice and information on what to do. We get bullied into admitting things even if we are truly innocent.

    They make sure their are no loop holes, no justice, just disqualification and an easy way for the gov to make a quick buck.

  3. I'm an ex SAPOL cop let me tell you there is tremendous pressure on officers to issue 'tins' or fines as the public call it.
    The money raised does not go to SAPOL, but to the government, so guess who is pressuring SAPOL?
    I was at PARKS traffic and was expected by management to issue minimum 5 tins a shift. In case of non compliance, there is a negative impact on an officers career.
    Numerous officers go to the freeway, get a speed of about 65 on the laser. Then they duck into a 50 zone and 'pinch' the first driver showing the driver the 65 speed on the laser.
    Officers also target Asian or non English speaking drivers since they would be less likely to go to court. There are so many dodgy tricks cops use to get tins, there's not enough place to write it here.

    1. Wow. You are completely full of shit. I have worked there too for many years and no doubt would know you. I have never heard of or seen this.
