Wednesday 22 August 2012

Senate votes down paedophile legislation .. Nick Xenophon - Minors should be made responsible as well

South Australian Senators have been criticised for voting against introduction of legislation making it illegal for adults to lie to minors in online chatrooms about their real age.

Good work Nick on trying to introduce the legislation, but I'm a little irked about the one sidedness of it.

Why would you not also introduce legislation to make it illegal for minors to lie about their age to adults as well? This is so one sided and totally unfair.

I think of the many girls who regularly go out on weekends - girls who are minors - but with the aid of make-up, look 19 or 20.

It annoys the hell out of me when we have teenage (minor) girls deliberately dressing to look older (to get into clubs and possibly meet with a guy) and somehow it's always the guy who gets lumbered with the blame if the girl decides to make a complaint after they have a night of passionate sex.

I know people will argue that the guy, if he's over 18, should ask for identification prior to any sexual contact happening, but let's face it - this is unlikely to happen at 3am with a few drinks and both of you all horny as hell.

Minors who lie and falsely lead should be made accountable as well.

I have never seen it reported in court proceedings where the girl was asked the question "Were you aware the fellow you had sex with was an adult"? Did you ask him for identification?

It stinks and is bullshit. Guys get blamed for all myriad of things because of scheming girls who are minors. If you make it illegal for both parties to lie about their ages, surely this would go towards making things more fair and equitable?

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