Wednesday 1 August 2012

So called underage ''victim'' claims James Ashby had sex with him

The latest news on the James Ashby / Peter Slipper saga is that a man has çome forward (to Peter Slipper) claiming he had sex with James Ashby in 2003 when he was just 15 years old - and James Ashby was 23 years old.

Maybe it's just me, but this sounds suss ..

Take the following points:

Why would the ''victim'' contact Peter Slipper and not the police?

In reality, this new matter involving James Ashby has nothing to do with the Peter Slipper / James Ashby case .. but the timing is just fantastic (for Peter Slipper) ..

Why would Peter Slipper feel it was his civic duty to report this matter to the police? The alleged victim would now be around 24 years old and old enough to make up his own mind as to whether he wants to lay a complaint about the matter. But, let's face it, it looks great for Peter Slipper to be able to dig the knife in to James Ashby.

Take the following quote from the alleged victim and see if it just doesn't ring quite right:

"We began a sexual relationship which lasted for a few weeks before James broke it off as he had started a relationship with another person, which lasted two or three years. I was 15 at the time, however, what we did under Queensland law cannot be consented to under the age of 18".

This just doesn't sound right. Why did the alleged victim point specifically to Queensland law, and not just law in general? The passage marked in blue sounds too structured, too rehearsed and sounds to me like he was coached what to say.

To me, it would have been more believable if he had just said "For gods sake, I was 15 and he had sex with me".

I know what I say is likely to have people call me heartless and uncaring, but why is it only now the alleged victim comes forward? Why not when this whole saga came into the general media months ago? And, one has to keep in mind that false allegations are made for all variety of reasons.

AND, at the risk of repeating myself. Why contact Peter Slipper?

Get Real

1 comment:

  1. Ohh, so theres nothing suss about Ashbys manner in going about making his complaints - by passing normal procedure, & after initially denying interaction, Chris Pine fessed up that he did indeed have a hand in the grubby affair..
    Ashby is an adult man, supposedly traumatised about sexual harrasment in the workplace, which is mainly based around txt msgs
    Regarding Ashbys penchant for having sex with minors, who have since spoken up, good on the victim!
    Ashby is a hypocrite& people in glass houses etc...
